Kumbusho Dawson Kagine vs The Registered trustees of Ccm/ Chipukizi Ccm Petitions

In an effort to keep young children aged below 18 years out of Tanzania’s mainstream politics in Tanzania, our client, Kumbusho Dawson Kagine, a young parent and child rights advocate,  filed the abovementioned constitutional petition at the High Court of Tanzania, Main Registry at Dar es Salaam. The case, Miscelanous Civil Cause 2212 of 2024 is scheduled for first mention on 13.02.2024 at 9:00am before Hon Judge Angelo Rumisha.

The Petition challenges, the constitutionality and legality of the ongoing but notorious practice by the ruling party, Chama cha Mapinduzi [CCM] of using undergage, school going children popularly known as Chipukizi, in its day to day political activities including inviting them to seat in the decision making bodies.

The Petition alleges that the practice contravenes the constitution of Tanzania; the Law of the Child Act and other international child rights instruments including the African Charter on Childrens Rights and the Child Rights Covenention.

It is our hope that the Judiciary of tanzania, while exercising its interpretive mandate, will find the the alleged practice of using underage children in mainstream politics to be objectionable and proceed to outlaw it, having regard to the national vision 2050, that seeks amongst others, to present our young children with a more brighter future than that of their fathers and forefathers.

Join us to secure the future of our children in Tanzania by doing whatever is doable on your part to make this special petition a success.