#Usizime Campaign

Due to the internet shutdown imposed by authorities in 2020, many internet users were affected by the impact brought by internet shutdowns. The Tanzanian Constitution under Article 18 guarantees every person the right to freedom of expression, as well as the right to seek, receive, and disseminate information. Therefore, the internet shutdown in Tanzania in 2020 violated the country's constitution, specifically Article 18, and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, by infringing upon people's right to communicate and access information, and restricting freedom of expression.

Reach Out Tanzania, led by our Executive Director, undertook a social media advocacy campaign named #Usizime, a Swahili word which means 'do not switch off,' localizing a global campaign #KeepItOn. The Usizime campaign aims to increase public awareness (among netizens) about the effects of internet shutdowns through a digital advocacy campaign.

In creating netizens' attention and increasing awareness campaign of the impacts of internet shutdowns, we have used innovative cartoons, as seen in this post.