Change can be brought through unity and solidarity.

When people or organizations are united against or toward a specific issue change becomes inevitable.

Over the past six years, there has been a growing belief among some government officials that NGOs are puppets of "mabeberu," which in Swahili means "colonialist." These theories went hand in hand with the creation of laws that severely restrict activities, resulting in the arbitrary deregistering or suspension of CSOs. For a period of 7 years ranging from 2015-2021, some civil organizations' bank accounts were blocked by the authority, and other civil organizations ceased to operate for an indefinite time.

This circumstance has made the organization and other stakeholders come together through a number of strategies including workshops to discuss the challenges facing Civil society organizations and civic space in general and issue CSOs joint statements as the podium to loud our voices against the oppressive laws that limit the work of CSOs and Civic space.

Through the “advocate for the repeal of repressive laws, Reach Out Tanzania were able to unite several CSOs and other stakeholders behind the agenda to call for reforms on all repressive laws that limit the civic space. We were able to release a joint statement calling for change for all repressive laws that limit the civic space in Tanzania. The unity of purpose will always be a good and important tool, Reach Out Tanzania will use to advocate for change.

Some representatives from six CSOs during the presentation of a joint statement to the public.